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22 Crucial Duties of Parents in Their Child's Academic Success


                As parents, it is our responsibility of all, to support and give guidance to our Kids in every step of their lives,  including their academic journeyof life.  We have to participate actively and fulfil our responsibilities, so we can contribute to their academic success. In this blog post, we will try to explore/explain the top 22 duties and guidance when the kid's academics come. 

These responsibilities are not only essential for their educational progress but also have a thoughtful impact on the complete development of kids. Let's explore the crucial tasks of every parent that need to be considered!




       We see that Technology is all around us, and it’s not going anywhere. With simple internet access, we can learn about anything at any period. We have to know about the learning from online resources which is key to our kid’s upcoming future victory in their school and full life. We have to help our children to learn about circumnavigating educational applications and technology with time. We also ensured to set suitable targets and displays as we needed to more concentration and effort into their homework. If we can find enjoyable and pleasurable learning resources for our kids, it means it’s a jackpot for kids and parents.

 1.    Create a Conducive Study Environment:

                Our first primary duty as a parent is to generate a favorable study atmosphere at our home. We have to create a peaceful and noiseless atmosphere for our kids to study which is free from distractions. We have to introduce an organized timetable, which will ensure fixed study time is combined with their daily schedule. We have to ensure that the studying environment is attractive and healthy, and also ensure that the kids enjoy their studies not like a burden over them.  Learning is a long-term course that needs so much patience and a compassionate atmosphere for our kids, Hence, it will supports to make them superior and more successful person in their life.    


2.    Provide Necessary Resources:

Equip our Kids with the essential assets/resources such as notebooks, additional study materials, and online access, and stationary. Ensure they have access to a well-stocked study area, including supplies like pens, paper, and a comfortable desk or table. We also ensure that the requirement is filled. But, it doesn't mean that our kids start wasting educational materials such as pens, paper, all required stationary etc. We have to teach them the value of stationary and supportive study materials. We also teach us the value and efforts made by the parents to provide necessary study resources with time and they more concentrate on their studies and release their responsibilities with time. The most common distraction for students? Their mobile devices. We have to ensure the selective or elect the final place outside of their learning area to supply their cell phone or tablet during their learning time. If they need their cell phone’s calculator, please ensure that setting of the phone is on flight mode for inactivate text and talk on the cell phones. A cell phones is not the only disturbance in their study, of course. A nearby noisy television or playing siblings may also create a difficult environment to focus on the studies. We have to find the solutions or the area outside of the home’s common area for playing of siblings.

 3. Monitor Homework and Assignments:

Regularly monitor your child's homework and assignments. We have to inspect their progress in academic, contribution them when they needed, and try to provide them best guidance in understanding the difficult topics. Be proactive in addressing any difficulties they may face. It is required to understand the children's effort and hard work in their tasks and where we need to work hard to raise our kids. Some time it is required to take a surprise test on Sunday or any other time to analyse is the progress of kids. Surprisely check the assessment and notebooks of kids so we know whether our kids going in the right direction or the wrong one?

parent influence child's academic success


                    If the upcoming test is on Friday, boost your kids to start revision on the subject since Monday. Break out the required topic in manageable chunks and tackle of all the topics at least, it revised once a day as per the timetable. Add the above-mentioned details to the timetable and subjects for the upcoming exams. It is also necessary to think beyond the topics and increase the level of thinking, thus, it will surely save a lot of time and stress — both for the upcoming future and in their adult time.


4.    Communicate with Teachers:

As a parents we have to continue open line communication with their teachers. We have to ensure that attend regular parent-teacher meetings,  progressive reports, and deliberate our Kids progress and any concerns regarding their all round development. We have to cooperate with teachers to confirm a coordinated effort towards their academic growth. As parents, we have to appear in regular Parent's parent-teacher meeting held in the school. In these meetings, we know our child's growth, development, and weaker sides too.

 5.    Encourage a Love for Learning:

Instill a love for learning in your child. We have to inspire their interest, and produce a positive approach towards obtaining knowledge for their enhancement. Celebrate their achievements, and highlight the importance of education in their future opportunities. We also have to recognize their attention-grabbing fields such as - dance, singing, sports, culture, drama, painting, and many more.  Their interesting fields provide them passion, and power and help to make them successful people for their families, society, city, and the country. 

Children’s have to learn through their notes and text books can become boring day by day. There’s only so much time for our kids to focus on their studies before their eyes start to close like glaze over. If our kids struggle during their studies, we have to try some methods, such as those given below:


·           Work together to design flashcards for vocabulary words.

·           We have to help our kids in searching for an available videos which explain the topics in different way abd easy to understand.

·           Also have to ask from our kids to draw a image or figure to exemplify science theories for better understanding.

·           Find an interesting audiobook or podcast about the topic they’re studying.

Kids learn in many different ways. We have to find best methods for our kids and use it for better learning. Just be sure to keep the focus on studying and avoid the online rabbit holes of distraction.

6.    Set Realistic Expectations:


Set realistic expectations for your child's academic performance. We have to understand how much essential to inspire our kids brilliance, we have to avoid extreme pressure over them. It’s our duty to support their personal strengths and assistance them endeavour for their personal development rather than we linking them to other kids. As parent, we have to confirm that our child’s marks are only a standard for justifying their performance in their studies not judge our kids. Also, we have to ensure a healthy helpful study atmosphere for their study because these children’s become the megastars of their different-different areas and represent our country in diverse stages of success.     

7.    Teach Time Management Skills:

We have to guide our kids in increasing and operative time management skills in their scheduled. We have to help them to learn to the prioritize tasks, how to set goals, and arrange succeed their study time efficiently. This will provide them to grip academic accountabilities while keeping a strong work-life stability. We help them to handle academic duties, also have to confirm that they have learn as per their routine,  we needs to confirm their strong habits such as sensible wake-up, 8-hour sleeps , and outdoor actions, in short, we say all-around development of our kids.  

We have to sit with our kids and utilize this time together. We need to set a start and finish time, and includes learning/study breaks. We have to help them to stick in their new timetable. The new things may come up, so be elasticity when they needed, but always have study hours a priority for kids.  This may will take a few weeks to search a trench. So, we have to try setting notices on our phone to mark sure time table which will in reach of everyone. Although, we have to make study time as a regular and normal part of the day.

8.    Nurture Effective Study Habits:

 As a child, they are undoubtedly didn’t like each subject and some were felt pure boring for kids. And it’s the same way for your child. When something doesn’t interest you or feel fun, it can be easy to put it on the back-burner. We have to teach real studying ways such as note-making, regular reading, and establishing good study materials. We needs to provide full direction in making study plans, breaking down homework, and needs to using different study methods to improve maintenance and understanding of the subjects.  Does our Kids need any ideas for those mind pauses? In their break time, they also can:


·           Stretch

·           Take a walk

·           Grab a snack

·           Check in with friends

·           Work on a personal project or hobby

The important thing is to set a time to return , and then get back to it without delay. 

 9.    Promote a Healthy Lifestyle:

Encourage a healthy lifestyle that complements academic success. We have to highlight the importance of regular workout, balanced diets, and satisfactory sleep. A fit body and healthy mind absolutely effect a kids ability to focus and perform well in their academics

        If that transition from school to home to studying is difficult, try exercise to move the mind forward. You don’t have to spend a lot of time here. A 15-20-minutes of a motorcycle/bike trip or a 15-minute yoga period may be just the pretend to moving them in the next stage of the day. If they’re coming from a sports practice and are already wiped out, suggest a quick meditation or calming activity to help with the transition from home to focused study time.

Education and growth

It is straight healthier to take studying outside in the fresh air whenever it is possible. Experience the sunlight it will help our kids stay strengthen them during the days, and organize their bodies for better sleep in the night. 

There’s always a possibility of more and betterment, but effort to have in initial stage and reliablebedtime for our kids. We also confirm that they acquire sufficient sleep after their hard work. 

 10.  Celebrate Achievements and Efforts:

                   Lastly, celebrate your child's academic achievements regardless of their magnitude. Recognize their efforts, improvement, and dedication. Positive reinforcement motivates them to continue excelling and gives them the confidence to overcome obstacles. School success is the focus now, but establishing strong study habits will help your child throughout their life. Time management, goal setting and balancing self-care are important skills in the real world. 


Helping your child thrive in school prepares them for all of life’s challenges (plus, you may even improve some of your own life skills. Good study habits are essential for developing children into lifelong learners. Looking for more ways to help your child succeed in school and beyond? At Prodigy, our mission is to help every student in the world love learning! 

Parenting - It is the parent test from the start of a Parenting journey filled with precious moments, tender emotions, and the ever-present challenge of finding the perfect parenting style. Are you eager to unlock the secrets to successful parenting? Look no further! In this eye-catching blog, we will dive into the fascinating concept of the parent hood, exploring the key aspects that will undoubtedly make your parenting journey a remarkable one. Get ready to explore the ultimate guide to becoming a masterful parent!

11.  Cuddle The Parent Test :  

we have to Understand the concept of parenting styles empowers us to discover your unique approach to raising a happy, confident, and well-rounded child. Discover the essence of authoritative, permissive, and authoritarian parenting styles, and find out which one aligns with your own beliefs and values. It makes us prepared to hold the Parental Examination.

 12. Developing an Authoritative Approach:

We also have to resolve the mysteries of commanding parental test, the broadly much-admired parenting grace known for development individuality, correction, parent also connect and make a healthy open statement. Learn how to strike the perfect balance between setting boundaries and offering support to raise resilient, empathetic, and confident children.

 13. Exploring the Art of Permissive Parenting:

The parent hood experiences the enchantment of a permissive parenting style, allowing your child to explore their creativity, independence, and decision-making abilities under your gentle guidance. Discover the nurturing power of trust, warmth, and encouragement that leads to raising self-assured, imaginative, and tolerant individuals. We need to spend time with our kids  and take them out for long drives, picnics, animal world and watching movies,etc.


14. Decoding the Mysteries of Authoritarian Parenting:

Delve into the authoritarian parenting control, the parent hood style and understand its dynamics. Explore the tight boundaries, strict rules, and discipline that can help shape responsible, determined, and achievement-oriented individuals. Discover how this approach can lay the foundation for resilience, self-control, and a strong moral compass. 

15. Synergy through a Balanced Approach:

Strike the perfect chord between various parenting styles by embracing a balanced approach. We have to expose the mysteries of merging the best rudiments from imposing, tolerant, and demanding parenting to create a complete atmosphere where our Kids flourishes and becomes a all-rounded individual for their life.

16.  Education and Growth:

 A parent's part which contains for a lifelong apprentice, with uninterruptedly ruthless for individual and qualified development. Actively seeking knowledge about child development, parenting techniques, and educational opportunities equips parents with the necessary tools to support their children's growth. Presence as a parenting workshops, understanding child-care books, or contributing in applicable online groups can further improve a parent's ability to direct through diverse steps of their kid’s life.

17.  Flexibility and Adaptability:

     As we know parenting is a energetic journey that needs elasticity and flexibility. Being open to change, adjusting expectations, and embracing new challenges contribute to a parent's ability to evolve and grow together with their children. Foster a mindset that embraces the unexpected, promoting resilience and problem-solving skills, which will help provide a stable and supportive environment for children to thrive.

18.  Creating a Supportive Learning Environment:

 Parents are instrumental in creating a nurturing and stimulating learning environment at home. By providing a calm and organized space, free from distractions, parents help children focus on their studies. Encouraging time management and establishing consistent routines further promotes discipline and productivity.

19.  Guiding and Motivating Academic Progress:

 Parents play a crucial role in guiding and motivating their children's academic progress. By engaging in open communication with teachers and being actively involved in discussions about their child's education, parents gain valuable insights into their child's strengths and areas for improvement. This understanding enables parents to provide targeted assistance, setting achievable goals and milestones.

20. Encouraging Lifelong Learning:

child's pose yoga

Parents instill a love for learning by fostering curiosity, encouraging exploration, and nurturing a growth mindset. Engaging in conversations, sharing stories, and exposing children to a diverse range of experiences broadens their horizons and develops a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the classroom walls. we have to develop an educational system in which child's play, and learn fitness activities such as child's pose yoga which make them healthy and wealthy for their full life. 


21. Establishing a Strong Educational Partnership:

 Parents and teachers are both critical stakeholders in a child's education. By establishing a strong educational partnership, parents actively collaborate with teachers to support their child's overall development. Regularly attending parent-teacher conferences, volunteering in school activities, and staying informed about the curriculum and educational goals foster a dynamic alliance that enhances the learning experience for the child.


22. Emphasizing the Value of Education:

 Parents serve as role models by showcasing the value and significance of education. Through their own pursuit of knowledge, lifelong learning, and emphasis on the importance of education, parents inspire their children to value their own academic pursuits. This shared value system builds a solid foundation for a child's educational journey, encouraging them to strive for excellence.



             Parents are invaluable partners in the educational journey of their children, empowering them with the tools and mindset necessary for success. Their unwavering support, guidance, and belief in their child's abilities pave the way for a fulfilling academic experience. As parents, we have the incredible opportunity to nurture and shape our children's educational path, instilling a love for learning that will remain with them throughout their lives.


Child's Play

So, let us celebrate the pivotal role of parents in child education, recognizing the impact they have on their child's intellectual development and academic achievements. By fostering a supportive learning environment, guiding academic progress, encouraging lifelong learning, establishing a strong educational partnership, and emphasizing the value of education, parents become true catalysts for their child's educational growth.

           As parents, we have to play a essential role in our kid’s academic voyage. By fulfilling these 22 duties, we have to provide the backing and direction which is essential for their achievement. We are  creating a favourable study atmosphere, which cultivation a love for knowledge, and encouraging strong habits are just a few samples of how we can absolutely impact in our Kid’s academic development. Remember, their achievement is a result of our combined determinations towards their studies. Let's hold these duties and permit our youngsters to flourish academically!


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