Fertility Yoga: Six Asanas That Boost-Up Women's Reproductive Health

Mrs. Priyambada Pandey
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                    As we all know specific yoga positions increase blood circulation to the pelvic region, which improves reproductive organ function. 

Boost-Up Women's Reproductive Health

Yoga has long been a popular wellness activity among people of all ages, with advantages for a wide range of health concerns. 

Yoga, unlike many other fitness routines, has an impact on internal biological functioning as well as physical appearance. Yoga's numerous asanas (yoga positions) help improve organ function and regulate hormone levels.

Fertility is closely related to a person's general health. Stress and anxiety have a substantial impact on both men's and women's reproductive levels. 

Yoga has been proven to be an excellent strategy for increasing fertility, not only by reducing stress and maintaining good health but also by providing a variety of additional benefits.

How Does Yoga Help to Improve Fertility?
Mindfulness is an extremely important element of yoga practice. Yoga promotes awareness, allowing people to become more aware of their bodies while also reducing stress and anxiety, both of which can have a negative impact on fertility.

How Does Yoga Help to Improve Fertility

Specific yoga postures, such as the Reclining Bound Angle Pose and the Bridge Pose, increase blood circulation to the pelvic region, boosting reproductive system function.

Furthermore, yoga's capacity to activate the endocrine system promotes balanced hormone production, which is essential for managing menstrual cycles and ovulation.

Furthermore, yoga enhances physical well-being by strengthening the body, increasing flexibility, and lowering muscle tension. These physical benefits, together with the cerebral clarity and emotional stability achieved from frequent practice, provide a holistic environment that promotes conception. 

Overall, yoga provides a holistic approach to improving fertility by treating both physical and psychological elements of reproductive health.

Yoga Poses to Improve Fertility

There are particular yoga positions that promote fertility. Let's look at them.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana).

This asana stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips while stimulating the thyroid, calming the nervous system, and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs.

Step-by-step instructions

  • Lie on your back, arms by your sides.
  • Bend your knees and place your feet hip width apart.
  • Hold for 5–10 breaths before exhaling and releasing.

Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani)

Step-by-step instructions

  • Sit next to a wall, lie back, and raise your legs up.
  • Move near to the wall, with your legs perpendicular to your torso.
  • Stretch your arms to the side, palms up, and breathe normally for 5-10 minutes.

The reclining bound angle pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Step-by-step instructions

  • Lie back, with or without a pillow.
  • Bend your knees and spread them outward, then bring the soles of your feet together.
  • Extend your arms to the sides, palms upward.
  • Breathe slowly in this position for 3-4 minutes, or begin with 10-15 breaths and progressively increase the duration.

Warrior II Pose (virabhadrasana)

Step-by-step instructions

  • From a standing position, step one foot forward and turn the back foot sideways.
  • Bend the front knee, stretch your arms front and back, and look at your front hand.
  • Hold for a few breaths, then switch legs.

Hand Underfoot Pose (Padahastasana)

Step-by-step instructions

  • Stand with your feet together, arms by your sides.
  • Bend forward at the hips, palms under toes, and bring your forehead to your knees.
  • Beginners may struggle to reach the ground or touch knees with their foreheads, but constant practice improves.
  • Hold for a few breaths before returning to standing.

The Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

The Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

Step-by-step instructions

  • Lie face down on the mat, hands beside your chest.
  • Inhale and press up, bringing your torso to your navel.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds while breathing normally before exhaling and lowering.
  • Repeat several times.


When starting yoga for the first time, it is best to seek the advice of a professional practitioner to help you learn the proper methods and poses, lowering the chance of injury. 

Furthermore, a professional instructor may personalize the practice to your specific needs, maximizing the benefits for fertility and overall health.

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