Develop Harmony Portal for stabilizing the Unity in a Relationship

Mrs. Priyambada Pandey
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Growing old together in love and making the happiness last forever – who doesn't want that? But emotions in love are in a state of emergency.

  •   Love and partnership follow their own rules
  •   Love in Old Age -  A Sexuality Test
  •   Even if the passion fades
  •   Three elements -Love, Lust, and Passion
  •   prevention for love
  •   praise and gratitude

Love and partnership follow their own rules

Some people say- it is heaven on earth. It's a disease, others say. But even the stormiest love and most thrilling sexuality fade with the years. They are no guarantee of a long-term happy relationship.

Over the years, the demands of everyday life have been eroding your happiness in love. For many, it breaks. But it also brings some of them very close together. What happens when the passion and joy of shared sexuality diminishes?



It's difficult to put together a recipe for the success of a happy, long-term relationship – people and their living situations are very different. If you ask older couples about the content, they often answer: "respect", "respect", "admiration", "accepting the other as they are" - and even "love".

Yes, there is love at first sight. Anyone who has experienced it can confirm this. It is love that comes upon us like a force of nature.

Whether this is also love for life remains to be seen. Because love and partnership operate on very different parameters. Love cannot be planned. It cannot be controlled. Love attacks us unexpectedly, it overwhelms us. 

Suddenly it is there and turns our emotional life upside down. You cannot consciously make decisions on this feeling. But even if great passionate love flashes like lightning, we have no guarantee of a lasting relationship.

A Relationship Can Be Planned

The warm feeling of love can end only after a few months. But this may also involve a long journey. And such a passionate start is not a bad start to their happiness together! Unlike love, a relationship can be planned

It can be designed and we can – and must – work on it. But a happy relationship requires more than just the euphoric feeling of beginning one.

As the saying goes, opposites attract. This may lead to a hormonal emergency between two people, love has its own rules here.  However, a good partnership must at least have common ground. 

Scientific studies show that a certain common basic understanding, such as similar values ​​and worldviews, strengthens partnerships.

good partnership

Common interests and experiences, such as travel, children or hobbies, connect and shape the life story of the partnership. People who have a lot in common get things done better.

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Love in Old Age - A Sexuality Test

Love keeps changing year after year. Like relationships, it is subject to a maturation process. Love also goes through different stages in this developmental process, all of which have their place and are completely normal. 

That's why partners should be careful not to compare their love and sexuality with the emotional world of the first few months, for example, ten years later.

This usually leads to false expectations and problems. Ideally, couples should lower their expectations regarding their sexuality and give more importance to what they do together. Of course, it's not that easy in a world in which we are surrounded by "perfect sex" through virtually all media.

Heidelberg sexologist Prof. Ulrich Clement is sure that sexuality should not be of low quality even after living together for many years. Sex is no longer as big a deal as it used to be in the early days. 

But it can still be surely good sex. Because lovemaking is also something that develops with increasing experience.

Love in Old Age - A Sexuality Test

The theory that sex inevitably gets worse with age is not true. Of course, desire changes over time and is different for each person. The development of love and sexuality is very individual and cannot be measured against general averages. Of course, desire can weaken with age.

However, it may also happen that older people enjoy their sex more than before, that they find themselves more, know what they want, and live out their needs more boldly. Older people often feel better about having sex today than they did in their childhood.

Even if the passion fades

It certainly helps that today we have a more advantageous environment for sexuality: we are more open than in the days of our parents and grandparents. Sex was devalued in old age.

It is now gradually becoming common knowledge that sexuality and desire do not simply disappear with increasing age. As long as physical fitness is present, why shouldn't older people enjoy sex?


And yet the question remains: What survives, what emerges when passion fades over the years? If only you knew this! Even sexologists have no clear, universal answer to this question. Different couples deal with this differently too.

The only thing that seems certain is that initial passion does not give way to emptiness. Even though passion has become less important over the years, which seems to be especially true for women, the friendship component of love has become increasingly important.

Three Elements – Love, Lust and passion

Love, lust, and passion. What else could new lovers need? You are enough for yourself and you would prefer to be calm so that you can fully enjoy being together. Couples have to try to live their love interest, lust sometimes crystal lust, Couples and passion towards each other.  Lovers need nothing and no one, and certainly nothing to interrupt their ecstasy of happiness.

For the relationship to continue, love needs a third element, something that is equally important to both partners and that brings them happiness. These can be very different things, common life topics like children, travel or passion for the same hobby or sport, common goals and objects.

Three Elements – Love, Lust and passion

This third element, which is outside the relationship, in addition to emotions, creates a valuable connection between both partners. It is beneficial and stable for a relationship when everyday life is interrupted by normally pleasant things.

Rituals are also a good way to live together with your partner and not have differences with each other. “We” instead of “every man for himself.” It could be game night every Friday or a long walk after a leisurely breakfast on Sunday. Rituals help to break the everyday routine pleasantly and spend valuable time with your partner.

Prevention For Love

You regularly send a car to TUV. It will also be great for relationships - and it will prevent many relationships from deteriorating. Because Relationship TÃœV includes one of the most important criteria for a good relationship: maintaining communication.

The more openly partners can communicate with each other, the more competently they solve problems and the better they deal with stressful situations, the happier they are as a couple.

Prevention For Love

A big help is to do a kind of "cash check" once a year and maintain the relationship, advises sex therapist Dr. Ulrike Brandenburg. Partners should always ask themselves: Are we creating the relationship we want? 

Is something going wrong? Are our thoughts different, have we become isolated? What strategies are there in our togetherness that will bring the relationship down – or that would be good for our relationship?

In general, both partners should give each other enough space to talk about themselves, their desires, and their difficulties. This requires a good communication culture and, above all, an approach that is willing to work on relationships. This requires a willingness to learn and, if necessary, seek help.

Praise And Gratitude

Good communication is an important foundation for a happy and satisfied partnership. If it fades, the feeling of closeness and understanding also fades. What increases is separation.

Stress reduces our ability to communicate by up to 40 percent. This is what studies have shown. That's why personal stress management, if possible with the support of your partner or with outside help, is an important way to avoid falling into silence. 

Coping with the excessive demands that everyday stress places on your relationship is no easy task. but it's worth it. If you know and accept that relationships are a constant progression, things become easier.

Praise And Gratitude

This also applies to people with a grateful attitude who live life positively and appreciably rather than being loss-oriented. You should try to give your partner more appreciation than he deserves, rather than - as usually happens too quickly - focusing on what bothers you about him.

Mutual appreciation is an essential factor in every relationship. This is the first thing that is lost when two people in a relationship drift apart. It is accepted naturally without thinking about the partner. Everyday life provides ample opportunities and situations to appreciate and be grateful to your partner – grateful for the many little things that make up your life together.


What does it mean to be in a harmonious relationship?

We commonly use the term to describe a relationship in which both parties appear to be content and interactions are simple and conflict-free. We regard two persons to be in harmony when they sound like concordant notes in a pleasant musical chord.

What is a nice harmony?

Most great harmonies are based on a fantastic melody. To produce acoustically attractive intervals and interest within a composition, there must be a tonal contrast or audible gap between different notes.

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